AUGUST 28, 2010
The meeting was called to order at 9:04 AM.
Present were committee members: Joe Gaze, Stan Locke, Betsy Epstein, Jeff Kotkin and David Neelon. Also present were: Jeanne Pryor, Treasurer; Mary White, Clerk; Jaime Garanzuay, Road Superintendant; Ernie Lampron, Steve and Mimi Stambler and Ken Einhorn.
The minutes were reviewed and accepted.
Treasurer’s report:
Jeanne gave Joe a list of the S.G. properties sold by the town at auction. There has been no word from the town on the purchase of properties S.G. wishes to purchase. Stan will send a letter of inquiry to the selectmen. Jeanne drew up a contract for Winter Roads, which the committee signed. The treasurer’s report was accepted.
The warrant and abatement certificates were signed.
Road Report:
Ernie Lampron reported that the section of Long Bow West by David Neelon’s is deteriorating, and the patches now stick up higher than the road, which means that they could be taken out by the snowplow. Also, the center of the road is now lower than the edges, which means this will cause difficulties plowing, and will cause ice buildup. There was much discussion about comparative costs between scarifying and more patching and property values. It was decided to table this issue until further study and analysis can be completed. Ernie suggested that he could make up a list of everything that needs to be done and what the approximate cost would be, and the committee could then vote the whole amount, and he could do the repairs as they occur. He was asked to please do the list. There was much
discussion as to keeping the ditches open and in good repair, and who has the responsibility to install and maintain culverts under driveways. In the past some were installed by property owners and some by the district. There are trail signs erected by snowmobile clubs on some of our roads which are not currently maintained.
The motion was made and seconded that since the Prudential Committee has not given permission for anyone who does not own property in the Greens to run snowmobiles, and this is private property, Jaime should remove these signs. The vote was 4 pro and 1 con.
Two of the culverts discussed at the last meeting have been replaced. The one on Shuttlecock did not need replacing. The work on Silver Shield section #3, Shuttlecock and Long Bow East has been completed. Jaime spoke to Rod Savery about the roadside mowing. It will be done by the end of the week. The pot holes have been filled where necessary.
The motion was made and seconded to accept the Road Report. The vote was unanimous.
Aquatic Control will treat the lakes for Purple Loosestrife and Phragmities, which involves 4.2 ac. of shoreline. If there is money left over, we could have more area treated, or leave some to pay for hand pulling.
It was moved, seconded, and voted unanimously “to spend, of our original appropriation, up to $11,000 for chemical treatment, removal of Phragmities and paperwork.” Jeanne will write to lakefront owners to ascertain if they want certain areas excluded from treatment.
Betsy bought the road cones, but not the dead end road signs. Jeanne suggested that the Town Highway Dept. be contacted for the signs.
The telephone pole at the entrance is apparently privately owned, so it may not be practical to tap into it for power for a light for the flag. Mary White offered to order one, and it was moved, seconded and approved unanimously to spend up to $100.00 for this purpose.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:40 AM.
Our next meeting will be on September 25, 2010.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary S. White, District Clerk